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  • Writer's pictureRahul R

How to setup reverse proxy on apache2

To set up a reverse proxy to a local installation using Apache2, you need to configure the Apache Virtual Hosts to forward requests to your local server. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Enable Proxy Modules:

Before setting up the reverse proxy, you need to make sure the proxy modules are enabled in Apache. You can enable them using the following commands:

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Create a Virtual Host Configuration:

Create a new Virtual Host configuration file or modify an existing one. You can typically find Virtual Host configuration files in the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ directory.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyRequests Off
    ProxyPass / http://localhost:YOUR_LOCAL_PORT/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:YOUR_LOCAL_PORT/

Replace with your actual domain or server IP address. Replace YOUR_LOCAL_PORT with the port number of your local server where the application is running.

Enable the Virtual Host:

Once you have created or modified the Virtual Host configuration, enable it by creating a symbolic link to the sites-enabled directory:

sudo a2ensite your_virtual_host_config_file.conf

Replace your_virtual_host_config_file.conf with the name of your Virtual Host configuration file.

Restart Apache:

After enabling the Virtual Host, restart Apache to apply the changes:

sudo service apache2 restart

Test the Setup:

Visit your domain or server IP address in a web browser, and Apache will forward requests to your local server. Make sure your local server is running and accessible from the Apache server.

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